joi, 17 aprilie 2008

Raspuns la tema de cercetare

De ce sa nu te indragosteti de un blogger (10 motive de la aceasta persoana)

1. All bloggers are self-obsessed and like to talk about themselves, or things they like, or things they saw, or things they feel they should know about, at great length. You on the other hand, are obviously enjoying reading all this.

Corect. Dat fiind ca si eu scriu zi de zi tot felul de chestii stupide pe blog:)) Sincera sa fiu ma gandesc uneori la ceea ce dea bine la cetitoriu. Dar asta e valabil UNEORI. In rest ma doare la bascheti ce gandeste cel care citeste. Nu ii place, apoi sa isi vada de click-click si sa ma lase. Nu cred ca scriu pentru "lume" .. scriu pentru mine. Este asa - un fel de jurnal on line.

2. Most bloggers are not as hot as you think they are. Some are cute, I'll give you that. Some are also quite do-able, but most are normal. Just like real life. Only, in real life, the first thing you see is the exterior, which makes it easy for you to judge better.

Nici nu cred ca mi-a pasat vreodata cum arata oamenii astia din lista de la mine. Experienta datorita careia Dona vrea sa faca aceasta compunere nu are neaparat legatura cu bloggareala. Si da, ma stiu cu o buna parte dintre cei pe care ii citesc/ma citesc. Mailuri, poze, cafele, mese, etc. Foarte misto si normali la cap, fiecare cu piticii lui - ca si mine. OAMENI. Eu imi scriu cu oameni. Pe care nu vreau sa ii iau acasa si sa ii "execut", numa' imi sunt dragi. Si da, stiu exact la ce te gandesti - nu de pe blog mi s-a pus pata:)) Aia a fost maslina de pe tort. ma "indragostesc" eu de oameni pe care ii citesc, asta e "copilaria" mea.

3. If you are both bloggers, and realize you are blog-flirting, it can get dangerous. Blogworld is very small... and starved of gossip. Bloggers will talk. Gtalk makes it very easy. It's the funnest thing in the world to go, 'Oh do you know, crazychick and hormonal boy are totally macking it on msn!' And also, it's easy to be misunderstood. Nothing can be more misleading than a badly constructed sentence. And bloggyhearts are weak. They cannot understand things like distance, presence of real-life boy/girlfriends and they assume that everything that happens on is removed from their 'real' self. So, please, don't fall for bloggers who leave you funny, pseud-flirty comments on your insightful posts. No. They are pretending blogging is a twilight zone. And do NOT care about you you. They just want more page hits. And they are also sleeping with other people. People who are not bloggers.

Hm..foarte ciudat moment ti-ai ales Dzz sa imi dai asemenea tema de gandire. Crezi ca am indraznit eu a cocheta cu vre'un mascul din lista?!?! Neh! Cred ca intai am cochetat si apoi am aflat ca scrie:)) Chestia asta de la sfarsit ma loveste in moalele capului! Cum adica bloggeri se culca cu alti oameni??? La naiba!

4. Remember when your mommy told you that the internet is full of psychos? Guess what? Psychos have blogspot accounts too. They are in no way limited to icq anymore.

Mda. Eu insa stiu ca si in mine zace o mica psihopata..asa ca eu sunt altii nu:))

5. If you are stupid and take your blog-flirting into real life, and are unlucky enough to be in the same city as your blog-boy/girlfriend, and are unlucky enough to realize that the attraction transcends the internet and is very much lurking around between your and your bloggy-other-half's drinks, you are fucked.

Nu am ce comenta. Din pacate sau din fericire nimic nu mi se aplica.

6. Most bloggers are nothing like their blog-images, we should reiterate. And I don't just mean how you think they look. If you're mature enough to say, "I don't care about looks, I like people for their intelligence, kindness and wit," you would think you were all set. I mean, fuck the BMI, the blogger you adore is smart as hell, funny as hell and is also all emotional and kind and good. Yeah. No.

Nici eu nu sunt in realitate cum par pe blog - senina si cretina, o rasfatata care abereaza in scris. Slava Domnului ca exista oameni care ma stiu, pe mine cea REALA si care au priceput ca aceasta chestie cu bloggul este "partea mea de refulare si desfrau". Scriu ce vreau, cand vreau. Am drame, scriu. Petrec, scriu. Vad film, scriu. Am nervi, scriu. Si da, in viata reala sunt ADORABILA! O printesa!

7. Bloggers don't have a life. Or are miserable. Or both. You don't want to fall for someone who is still crying over their daddy-issues, or that one night they got really drunk and actually made friends with someone and had fun. You will notice that when people are happy and busy, they don't put up new posts. It's because they are enjoying finally having a life. Of course, they'll come back when the money, friends and alcohol runs out, to tell you all about this perfect person they met who didn't seem to like them back. Or they'll post a funny link, pretending they weren't just out having fun without you. Do you want to be in love with someone who doesn't even care about what you will be doing without them? You could go refresh their pages a million times, for all they care.

Ei cacat! Cum draga nu am eu viata?! Sau cum e mizerabila? Sau cum cei care scriu (pe care ii stiu) au asemenea vieti?! Fatuca asta are 22 de ani! Cred ca media de varsta din bloggroll-ul meu e alta. Oamenii pe care ii stiu (citindu-i) au vieti. Minunate. Au bucurii si tristeti. Au probleme si nu mai au probleme. Vad chestii si apoi le impart cu noi/mine. Deseneaza. Plang si rad. Hai sa nu luam tot ce zice fatuca asta de bun. Am adunat o lista de oameni pe care nu ii numesc bloggeri pentru ca in afara de faptul ca scriu ..sunt OAMENI. Frumosi..chiar daca despre unii habar nu am cum arata..

Sa fiu sincera m-am gandit ca oamenii scriu rar cand sunt fericiti. Pe de alta parte cel mai "bine" scriu cei care au un "stres". Aseara despre asta vorbeam la masa cu o fata draga mie..Eu slava Domnului scriu zi de zi! De bine, de rau..asta e! Scriu.

8. Secretly, all bloggers are nerds. They may only talk about drinking with friends or buying new dresses, but they are nerds in hiding. You are way cooler than any nerd, even if you think you're not.

Serious?!?! Hahahaha! Foarte tare asta, ai dracului tocilari..Sa fim seriosi..

9. Bloggers like to write. That is established. They all want to be published, somewhere. Writers are generally not fun people to be in relationships with. Failed writers, even more so. You will have to deal with blogger's-block. And another rejection letter from blogspot saying the post couldn't be published due to error 505. You will have to deal with bad reviews in the form of comments. And you will have to deal with them sitting in a vat of gin and tonic, crying about how they're just not as popular as they used to be, or worse, about that new blogger who just took away half their traffic. You're better off shagging a DJ.

Hm..da? Bre, eu una nu voi a ma publica niminea! Si aia cu DJ-ul..been there, done that..twice!

10. Bloggers and blog-readers have a bad, one-sided relationship. It's all about the blogger. It translates into real life as well, it will always be all about the blogger, and you'll just be the lucky reader they fancied for half-an-hour. Your sensitivity is unappreciated. Your thoughtful comments are just one in a hundred. Your obsessive bookmarking only makes the blogger chuckle and pat your head, as if you were a dog. They don't understand what it means to fall for someone just because they once wrote beautifully about the song that describes your life. They were just being manipulative, and probably hate the song.


Copila asta vorbeste despre o lume pe care eu una nu o stiu. Poate in America asa se intampla. In afara de Dzz, din USA mai sunt Ina si Lola, care imi par minunate.

Restul din lista mea is romani. Si da, major crush ce am avut pentru doi barbati. Unul dintre ei fiind motivul pentru care m-am apucat de scris aci.

Cred ca a avut 500 de click-uri pe pagina lui intr-o la mine, topita toata. Un domn serios de altfel pe care il cunoscusem inainte sa stie ce este Mi-a trecut pentru ca omul avea o viata. Frumoasa. Cu o femeie frumoasa in ea. Si un blog in care NU vorbea despre el.

Al doilea major crush s-a materializat frumos si s-a topit in neant. Pastram misterul pentru ca asa este frumos. Si iar! Nu avea legatura cu bloggareala..foarte mare:))

Deci parerea mea este asa: femeilor/barbatilor - va e drag de unul pe care il cititi? Pare usor psihopat? Iesiti la o cafea, in loc aglomerat:))

Eu cred ca in spatele unei pagini pe net sta de fiecare data un OM. Norocul meu a fost sa descopar numai oameni deosebiti..Frumosi..Diferiti de ceea ce cunoscusem pana acum. Da, am de invatat si ma bucur de fiecare experienta. Inchiei scurt si ma pregatesc sa imi fac rondul de dimineata, cititind fiecare pagina noua din lista. Cu siguranta am ales oameni misto si am de ce sa ma bucur. Fata asta de 22 de mai creasca.

Sa cer pareri de la cei din lista?! Care te incadrezi in cele 10 puncte?!

5 comentarii:

  1. Merci ca m-ai facut minunata:) dar nu sint asa minunata precum par hi hi hi anyway, nu stiam ca blogareala asta poate da intr-un fel de "matrimoniale" ...funny postul asta, dar nu adevarat in multe puncte ale lui...cel mai accurate, a fost faza ca -bloggers like to write-, restul sint speculatii:) I love blogging, dar nu din asta e compusa viata mea:) dar oare chiar trebuie sa ne explicam:) bineee, te pup. muahhh

  2. @ ina - baby, nu ne explicam! mi s-a dat tema:))Dzz asta!

  3. bineinteles ca nu are dreptate decat foarte probabil dpdv propriu (care e foarte ingust). dar dupa o unica si fugara privire aruncata pe blogul ei, ii gasesc scuza ca she's 22 going on 16.
    nope, nu recunosc nici unul din punctele ei - nici macar ala cu placerea scrisului, care nu se aplica tuturor. unii doar vor sa comunice/noteze o parere.
    in fine, vorba e cum zici tu, s=o lasam sa creasca un pic.
