vineri, 22 iunie 2007
Zapping de seara
Aseara, spre noapte am zappinguit la tv. Dupa frumosul film (, sau poate si inaintea lui, am tot cercetat posturi tv. Cred ca am sperat ca o sa gasesc ceva, orice, bun de vazut. Apoi ce am vazut, e de povestit la nepoti. Cred ca romanii au o chestie din asta perversa de a se uita peste gard in curtea vecinului. Dar daca vecinul e mai instrarit si gardul e mai inalt, romanul nu poa' sa vaza. Asa ca cineva s-a gandit: nu mai bine facem un rialiti shou, ca sa vada toata tara cum e la altii in gradina? Si imi aduc aminte ca au fost etape ale uitatului peste gard. Parca a inceput totul cu familia Vali Vijelie, la Prima Tv. De ras. Cumva gasca de prieteni a lui Vali Vijelie punea nitzica sare si piper peste o relatie de familie. Nu pot sa mint ca nu am vazut cateva episoade, ca nu e frumos. M-am uitat si eu ca omul. Mi-a placut ca totusi erau decenti, o familie normala, o sotie care gatea si avea grija de frumusetile de copii. Apoi a urmat Viorica din Clejani. Nimic de zis, fata de treaba Viorica, dar a dat cu mucii in fasole cand a crezut ca "naturalismul" o sa prinza bine la romani - ma refer la episodul cu vizita la Versailles cand bietul cal frantzuz a flaturat frantzuzeste desigur, fix in nasul romancei noastre. Maslina de pe tort ramane familia Columbeanu. Nu inteleg nimic din scopul acestei emisiuni. Nu te razi, nu te nimic. Oare cine se uita?! Da, am vazut un pic din botez. Biata printesa Irina se topea de cald intr-o biserica stramta si intesata de care mai de care oameni. Apoi urmeaza alta Bomba LaBe1Tv. Interzisul lui Andresan. Laura Andresan. Femeia Laura Andresan, care are o viata exact ca a tuturor femeilor din Romania. Si ne arata aceasta viatza, noaptea, mai tarziu, cand copii dorm. Interzis! Si aseara ce crezi?! La Antena 1, poveste funny: Bahmu si Prigoana. Norocul mare este ca aceste doua personaje imi sunt extrem de dragi multumita Mondenilor. Cum sa nu o iubesti pe SuperBahmu? Cum sa nu il iubesti pe Pliciul. Ei bine, m-am uitat la o parte din emisiune. Domnule, este o emisiune de divertisment, cu chestii de zi cu zi din viata oamenilor, cu "de ras" sau "de plans". El mi se pare foarte simpatic. Ea mi se pare altfel decat in reportajele si nimicurile de la OTV. Dar, repet! Daca nu erau Mondenii, nu cred ca mi se parea mare filosofie acest nou descoperit rialiti shou romanesc-mioritic-pitoresc.

Dupa zapping si vizionare intru cercetare desigur(hihihihi) am poposit pe OTV. Exclusiv si socant. Postul asta va avea viata vesnica. Cat timp vor muri oameni (si vor tot muri) atata timp DD va avea subiecte exclusive si socante. Un turc se pare ca si-a ucis nevasta si copilul. Dau la ProTv, dau la Prima, dau peste tot sa aud si eu o stire normala, sa inteleg despre ce e vorba. Nimic. Si ma prind ca pana la urma DD e rapid. Caci el a fost primul care a anuntat si moartea Laurei Stoica.. Nu am inteles mare lucru. Oricum mi-am dat seama ca nu suport sa vad nimic despre oameni care mor. Am adormit gandindu-ma cat de frumoasa a fost povestea celor 700 de mirese care au traversat oceanul ca sa se marite. Povestile care imi umplu viata sunt mult mai frumoase decat orice stire si orice rialiti shou. Si ma mentin cu capul in nori si departe de orice realitate.

joi, 21 iunie 2007
Who am I today?
You are an Inventor .
Your imagination, self-reliance, openness to new things, and appreciation for utility combine to make you an INVENTOR. You have the confidence to make your visions into reality, and you are willing to consider many alternatives to get that done. The full spectrum of possibilities in the world intrigues you—you're not limited by pre-conceived notions of how things should be.
Problem-solving is a specialty of yours, owing to your persistence, curiosity, and understanding of how things work. Your vision allows you to identify what's missing from a given situation, and your creativity allows you to fill in the gaps. Your awareness of how things function gives you the ability to come up with new uses for common objects. It is more interesting for you to pursue excitement than it is to get caught up in a routine. Although understanding details is not difficult for you, you specialize in seeing the bigger picture and don't get caught up in specifics.
You tend to more proactive than reactive—you don't just wait for things to come to you.
You're not one to force your positions on a group, and you tend to be fair in evaluating different options. You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well. You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.
If you want to be different:
Try applying your creativity to more artistic arenas, and letting your imagination take less practical forms.
How you relate to others
You are Attentive
Because you like spending time with others, understand their feelings, and often know what is best for them, you are ATTENTIVE.
Some people are merely concerned about others, but you take action, helping people when you have the opportunity.
Although you care about others, you are hesitant to trust them to act in the best way on their own.
You don't let your concerns with people go unnoticed: if someone has hurt your feelings, that person will hear about it.
People energize and excite you—you are able to have fun and be yourself when you're around others.
You also learn a lot about yourself by talking things out with people, even if you don't always share things that are important to you.
You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you're not hesitant to express yourself.
Understanding the dynamics of a situation is an important skill that you have, and you often intervene to clarify things for others.
If you want to be different:
You care about people, but finding the ones you can truly trust will allow you to get closer to them.
While you have strong opinions about what is right and wrong in the world, you risk coming across as judgmental—be sure to consider different perspectives when voicing your opinion.
Your imagination, self-reliance, openness to new things, and appreciation for utility combine to make you an INVENTOR. You have the confidence to make your visions into reality, and you are willing to consider many alternatives to get that done. The full spectrum of possibilities in the world intrigues you—you're not limited by pre-conceived notions of how things should be.
Problem-solving is a specialty of yours, owing to your persistence, curiosity, and understanding of how things work. Your vision allows you to identify what's missing from a given situation, and your creativity allows you to fill in the gaps. Your awareness of how things function gives you the ability to come up with new uses for common objects. It is more interesting for you to pursue excitement than it is to get caught up in a routine. Although understanding details is not difficult for you, you specialize in seeing the bigger picture and don't get caught up in specifics.
You tend to more proactive than reactive—you don't just wait for things to come to you.
You're not one to force your positions on a group, and you tend to be fair in evaluating different options. You're not afraid to let your emotions guide you, and you're generally considerate of others' feelings as well. You prefer to have time to plan for things, feeling better with a schedule than with keeping plans up in the air until the last minute.
If you want to be different:
Try applying your creativity to more artistic arenas, and letting your imagination take less practical forms.
How you relate to others
You are Attentive
Because you like spending time with others, understand their feelings, and often know what is best for them, you are ATTENTIVE.
Some people are merely concerned about others, but you take action, helping people when you have the opportunity.
Although you care about others, you are hesitant to trust them to act in the best way on their own.
You don't let your concerns with people go unnoticed: if someone has hurt your feelings, that person will hear about it.
People energize and excite you—you are able to have fun and be yourself when you're around others.
You also learn a lot about yourself by talking things out with people, even if you don't always share things that are important to you.
You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you're not hesitant to express yourself.
Understanding the dynamics of a situation is an important skill that you have, and you often intervene to clarify things for others.
If you want to be different:
You care about people, but finding the ones you can truly trust will allow you to get closer to them.
While you have strong opinions about what is right and wrong in the world, you risk coming across as judgmental—be sure to consider different perspectives when voicing your opinion.
Xpas recomanda

In caz ca ati uitat aceasta metoda simpla de relaxare (citeste pana la capat)
Relaxarea este o modalitate psiho-fiziologica de depasire a crizei de adaptare.
In mod normal, o minte care este supusa in_continuu unui efort considerabil va avea de suferit de pe urma acestei presiuni.
Iata mai jos o metoda de relaxare in 5 pasi simpli, foarte eficienta, care te poate ajuta intotdeauna:
1. Imagineaza-ti ca te afli la munte, langa un izvor.
2. Pasarile se aud ciripind in aerul rece si curat.
3. Nimic nu te poate deranja aici - nimeni nu cunoaste locul tau secret.
4. Sunetul unei mici cascade creaza un fundal sonor linistitor.
5. Incearca sa-ti imaginezi cu claritate figura persoanei pe care o tii cu capul sub apa.
Sylvie Guillem
Sylvie Guillem (born February 25, 1965 in Paris) is a French ballet dancer who has performed with the Paris Opera Ballet and is currently a guest principal dancer with the Royal Ballet in London. As a child, Guillem trained in gymnastics under the instruction of her mother and when she was 11 she began training at the Paris Opera Ballet School. Eventually she joined the corps de ballet of this company at 16. In 1983 Guillem won the gold medal at the Varna International Ballet Competition. On December 29, 1984, at the young age of 19, Guillem became an etoile of the company after her first performance of Swan Lake. She created the leading role in William Forsythe's contemporary ballet, In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated in 1987. In 1989, Guillem shocked Rudolf Nureyev when she left the Paris Opera Ballet to become the principal guest artist at the Royal Ballet. Extremely flexible, Guillem became controversial for her high extensions, which some detractors said ruined the line of classical ballet. They called it "ear whacking." However, many dancers have since become if anything even more flexible than Guillem. And Guillem's style allowed her to dance both the classical roles and more contemporary works with equal success.
miercuri, 20 iunie 2007
Just a girl
zice cineva: pai de ce daca esti papermoon(a) tu semnezi cu altceva?
pai da..(zic eu si imi dau seama ca sunt just a girl)..luna de hartie e numai asa locul meu.
si oricum mie imi plac blondele, si Gwen e numai una dintre ele.
i'm just a girl
in the world
pai da..(zic eu si imi dau seama ca sunt just a girl)..luna de hartie e numai asa locul meu.
si oricum mie imi plac blondele, si Gwen e numai una dintre ele.
i'm just a girl
in the world
marți, 19 iunie 2007
Din serai vine dorul de mare:)
La mer
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
A des reflets d'argent
La mer
Des reflets changeants
Sous la pluie
La mer
Au ciel d'été confond
Ses blancs moutons
Avec les anges si purs
La mer bergère d'azur
Près des étangs
Ces grands roseaux mouillés
Ces oiseaux blancs
Et ces maisons rouillées
La mer
Les a bercés
Le long des golfes clairs
Et d'une chanson d'amour
La mer
A bercé mon cœur pour la vie
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
A des reflets d'argent
La mer
Des reflets changeants
Sous la pluie
La mer
Au ciel d'été confond
Ses blancs moutons
Avec les anges si purs
La mer bergère d'azur
Près des étangs
Ces grands roseaux mouillés
Ces oiseaux blancs
Et ces maisons rouillées
La mer
Les a bercés
Le long des golfes clairs
Et d'une chanson d'amour
La mer
A bercé mon cœur pour la vie
Romanesti vs. Internationale
Dear Mr. Radu D. We have received and analyzed your complain letter regarding the "greierashi" issue on Renault Megane cars. Unfortunately, we were unable to find this term (greierashi) in our databases and we kindly ask you to send to us more detailed specification about. Also, please be so kind to translate in English the following expressions: "bagamiash poola in mashina voastra", "nenorocitilor, sinteti nishte hotzi" and "ma pish pe el de servis reno". Sincerely yours, Michel Mouton Customer Service Representative 414 Avenue Miramax, DC668, Douai, France "
luni, 18 iunie 2007
Mondene de Friday

La terenurile de tenis a avut loc o frumoasa prezentare de moda. La care desigur merg incadrata si invitata de artistii mei favoriti - Cora Gramos + Boji Moi. Lume multa, lume buna, fete frumoase, "ai nostrii" cu iubitii lor trendy fashion, fotografi si fotografii. Poze la Nescafe, poze la Campari, poze la Virginia Slims.
Cu copy-paste adaug la blogu-mi stirea de pe hot news:"Vineri, 15 iunie, a avut loc ultima prezentare de moda semnata Adrian Oianu, la Dinu Pescariu Tennis Club. Colectia, denumita Juvenification, a cuprins patruzeci si cinci de piese pret-a-porter care reactualizeaza viziunea designer-ului asupra rochiei.Prezentarea de vineri seara a avut avantajul unei coloane sonore interpretate superb de trupa Zoom (si aici imi permit a intervine. Muzica face 50-80% din orice. Daca in capul meu exista soundtrack la vise..Foarte buna muzica!), dar si dezavantajul locatiei: plasat in apropierea lacului Tei, spatiul a fost invadat efectiv de tantari, pe toata durata show-ului (Nicola canta "milioane de fulgi de zapada, milioane de copii pe strada" aici erau milioane de bazdaganii extrem de violente, care ciupeau ingrozitor doamnele in decoltee). Disconfortul creat a facut prezentarea sa para un pic cam lunga, dar rochiile lui Adrian au compus o colectie foarte curata si matura....In noua sa colectie, designerul se joaca cu liniile si volumele si recreaza un model de nimfeta, foarte atragatoare si sofisticata, fara sa-si puncteze formele trupului prin vestimentatie. Au fost folosite materiale naturale, cu o textura aparte, lucrata manual. Pe trench-uri si pe centuri au fost aplicate pietre semi-pretioase: onix, sticla de Murano, ametist, coral, turcoaz etc.“Se naste in sfarsit un stil autentic in moda romaneasca. Incetul cu incetul renuntam la a mai copia si ne formam o identitate: incepem sa scoatem si noi capul la lumina” a declarat Adrian Oianu pentru "
In afara de tantarii - care pe noi nu ne-au deranjat (dat fiind ca am avut inspiratia de a nu ne aseza in primul rand, cu gloata) prezentarea a fost minunata. Fetele f. serioase, am surprins un singur zambet la una dintre modele. Creatiile vestimentare - pe gustul nostru, materialele noastre, croiul nostru - pentru noi:) Printesele din regatul Balerin.
Domnul Adrian Oianu - minunat si modest. Ii multumim.
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