Pai da..inainte de filmare e musai sa ai cel putin un examen. Daca se poate unul greu, la care sa nu poti misca nimic. Apoi e musai ca in mijlocul examenului sa sune iritant telefonul, cu o melodie "din aia". Si la telefon sa fie clientul si MUSAI sa ii inchizi in nas!
Azi am avut o zi grea si trista. Este ora 20:40 si suntem inca la birou. O ard putin pe net ca sa ma rup de stresul pre-productivo-cacanaro-verde. Ei alearga toti in jur, cu probleme de ultima ora. Eu ma afund in povesti scrise cu alura franceza si ascult melodiile fetelor triste de pe bloguri. Undeva intr-o camera canta un Guerilla si o voce racneste "born to be wild" intr-o combinatie Bregoviciana. Imi este rau si foame si somn si imi vine sa ma urc in masina, sa imi iau sacul de dormit si toti banii, aparatul foto si poate niste plec undeva departe, unde nu mai e durere si intristare..unde e apa multa si valurile imi canta numai mie. Azi in timpul pre-productivo-cacanaro-verde "s-a gatit" gratar in curte. Pe rand am bucatarit tot, care un mic, care o copanica, care o frigaruie. Cineva bun la suflet a gatit chiar doua salati - doua castroane mari. Eu le-am dres. Apoi cineva a zis ca ar fi bine sa mancam. Mi-a stat in gat fiecare imbucatura pentru ca nimic nu a mers bine azi. De dimineata cand am descoperit ca Sor'mea mi-a luat pantofii, cand am iesit din scara blocului si m-a lovit o caldura ciudata. Nu sunt fericita azi. Sunt obosita si imi este rau ca pe vremuri. Rau.Vreau sa plece toti la casele lor!
Nu m-am plans niciodata toti. Corina zice ca se vede ca e ceva ciudat cu mine. Am sa plec acum acasa, sa dorm. Vreau sa lucrez NUMAI cu oameni care stiu CE VOR, CAT VOR, CUM VOR, UNDE VOR.. Atat. Azi am fost foarte necajita.
Am scris exact ca o fetita careia cineva i-a stricat castelul de nisip.
sâmbătă, 12 mai 2007
vineri, 11 mai 2007
La teatru - actul doi
Am vazut jumatate din Coolori, la teatrul Foarte mic.
Cu scenografia Corinei Gramosteanu ( a se vedea minunata popica!) si cu: Bogdan Albulescu, Babliuc Catalin, Radu Iacoban, Viorel Cojanu, Mihai Dinvale, Doru Bem, Clara Flores - in regia Dianei Iliescu.
Un spectacol foarte bine jucat, o poveste contemporana cu impuscaturi, droguri, iubiri nepotrivite si desigur homosexuali. 2007. Romania.joi, 10 mai 2007
Povestea unui divort dintre un el (care a ales sa iubeasca un alt el) si o ea care face crize
Divorce Wars - Continued
The divorce wars continue. Now I have learned that my estranged wife wants to have her attorney take the depositions of both me and the b/f. She has a fantasy that I/we are hiding money from her. Needless to say, the b/f is not happy and her sitting by as her attorney questions him will be drama of the highest caliber. The reality is that her expectations of what I should pay her (ideally forever) far exceed my financial reality. In her mind – I guess much like that of former Gov. Mc Greevey’s wife – I should be endlessly punished for “what I did to her.”
Especially abhorrent to her is the idea of a full time job, even though she has an M. Ed. from the University of Virginia and all but a dissertation for a Ph.D. from UVA. I guess nearly 30 years of being supported in a rather decent style counts for nothing. Our next hearing on the spousal support issue should be interesting because it is again before the judge who cut her Pat Robertson Regent Law School grad attorney off at the knees when she tried to “play the gay card.” Fortunately, my ex-wife has fired that attorney (who appeared to enjoy gay baiting me) and has hired a new attorney who hopefully will be more able to grasp my financial reality.While I greatly love and value my kids and would not want them not in my life, my advice to closeted gays who have not yet married and are debating what to do is: REALLY THINK TWICE ABOUT IT!!!!!
The pain, sense of guilt (which, on the plus side, my ex-wife has thoroughly killed in me from her viciousness and refusal to be realistic) and emotional baggage may be more than you bargain for. The "ex-gay" advocates of the Christianise far right seem to care nothing for the damage done to the both the straight spouse and the gay spouse when the doomed battle to make one's self straight inevitably fails.
I so want this process over so that I can fully go on with my new life as a gay man. And, in all sincerity, I truly do want my ex-wife to move on in her life and for her to find happiness. In my view, dwelling on punishing me, keeps her from reaching that goal.
The divorce wars continue. Now I have learned that my estranged wife wants to have her attorney take the depositions of both me and the b/f. She has a fantasy that I/we are hiding money from her. Needless to say, the b/f is not happy and her sitting by as her attorney questions him will be drama of the highest caliber. The reality is that her expectations of what I should pay her (ideally forever) far exceed my financial reality. In her mind – I guess much like that of former Gov. Mc Greevey’s wife – I should be endlessly punished for “what I did to her.”
Especially abhorrent to her is the idea of a full time job, even though she has an M. Ed. from the University of Virginia and all but a dissertation for a Ph.D. from UVA. I guess nearly 30 years of being supported in a rather decent style counts for nothing. Our next hearing on the spousal support issue should be interesting because it is again before the judge who cut her Pat Robertson Regent Law School grad attorney off at the knees when she tried to “play the gay card.” Fortunately, my ex-wife has fired that attorney (who appeared to enjoy gay baiting me) and has hired a new attorney who hopefully will be more able to grasp my financial reality.While I greatly love and value my kids and would not want them not in my life, my advice to closeted gays who have not yet married and are debating what to do is: REALLY THINK TWICE ABOUT IT!!!!!
The pain, sense of guilt (which, on the plus side, my ex-wife has thoroughly killed in me from her viciousness and refusal to be realistic) and emotional baggage may be more than you bargain for. The "ex-gay" advocates of the Christianise far right seem to care nothing for the damage done to the both the straight spouse and the gay spouse when the doomed battle to make one's self straight inevitably fails.
I so want this process over so that I can fully go on with my new life as a gay man. And, in all sincerity, I truly do want my ex-wife to move on in her life and for her to find happiness. In my view, dwelling on punishing me, keeps her from reaching that goal.
miercuri, 9 mai 2007
marți, 8 mai 2007
CTL said:
sigur ti-ai pierdut amintirile, pentru ca filmele sint convins ca le-ai vazut. :)
Pai da..dar uite, nu vazusem Virgin Suicides, Killing me am mai gasit eu cateva..Deci alea din lista sunt filmele lui 2002-2003..Pai am vazut tot:))
sigur ti-ai pierdut amintirile, pentru ca filmele sint convins ca le-ai vazut. :)
Pai da..dar uite, nu vazusem Virgin Suicides, Killing me am mai gasit eu cateva..Deci alea din lista sunt filmele lui 2002-2003..Pai am vazut tot:))
luni, 7 mai 2007
Anul 2002..sau 2003
Cred ca mi-am pierdut amintirile din perioada 2002-2003. Descopar filmele anului 2002 si ma uit muta si nu pricep unde am trait de nu am vazut nici un film anul ala..
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