duminică, 3 august 2008

Back to black

De cate ori plec de pe insula sunt terminata. This time is worst..The
crazy princess must grow up fast..There is no fantasy, there is no
princess. I'm just a girl. And i'm leaving someone behind to take care
of my dream. I will not go back soon, I'm 2 scared..Well, the island
will be mine forever. Am obosit. Ma culc in timp ce Amy ne canta
drogata toata. Love it..

Un comentariu:

  1. vezi, uite de-aia iti trebuie azi un Iron Maiden, sa te dreaga nenea Bruce :P
    (io asa ma tratez, cu chestii tari, stii tu, tare ca piatra, iute ca sageata..:)) )
